Group 建议 and New Student Orientation

Welcome to 圣安东尼奥学院!

在囊, 在新生入学指导(NSO)之前进行小组咨询(GA),确保学生通过在GA期间注册必要的课程来优先考虑他们的学术需求,以满足他们的学位要求. 下面这个, NSO介入,通过解决任何有关时间表的问题提供全面的支持, clarifying account summaries, and acquainting students with the wealth of resources available on campus. 这种循序渐进的方法可以使新生更顺利地过渡到大学.

GA and NSO are required for:

  • 首次入读大学的学生(从未上过学院或大学).
  • 已转入SAC的学时不足7学时的转校生.

注意: 返回/以前的学生, transfers with 更多的 than 7 transferred credit hours, and transients are not required to complete GA or NSO (NSO is optional).

注意: You will receive a confirmation email with details.

Step 1: Sign-up and attend GA

All enrollment steps must be completed before attending GA.


Sign-up for GA by contacting your assigned Certified 招生 Coach.



Group advising is a registration session, that is conducted in a group format, 在您注册课程时,顾问和工作人员可以为您提供支持并回答您的问题.

  • 返回/以前的学生
  • 学时超过7学时的转学生转学到SAC
  • 短暂的学生

是的. 然而, GA takes place in a computer lab and due to limited seating, guests are not allowed in the computer lab. Guests will be asked to wait in the lobby.

When will I meet with an Academic Advisor?

During GA, you will receive assistance from a group of advisors and staff. 在遗传算法, 您将在学期的人口普查日期前收到指定的学术顾问(查看学历)。. 您可以在您的ace帐户下的“我的页面“按人口普查日期填写.

Can I just show up to GA without signing-up?

No. Space is limited for each session. 顾问必须预先筛选你的学生记录,以根据你的学位计划确定你需要哪些课程. This is to prepare your course selections for the day of your GA session.

I may be running late and/or may have to leave the session early. Must I stay the entire session?

是的. 您应准时到达并参加整个会议,以成功注册. The time frame given does not imply that you can come in between that time. You must be there at the start of the session.

I did not receive my confirmation email for GA. 我该联系谁??

First, please check your junk/spam folder. 如果您仍未看到邮件已收到,请联系

I have signed up for GA, but now I want to change my major. 我怎样才能换专业?

You can change your major the day of GA.

If I need to cancel/reschedule my GA session, what do I do?

There is not a way to cancel your GA session. But, if you cannot make it, sign up for another GA session. 请记住, when you sign-up for a session, that you are taking a seat from another incoming student. So, make sure you are choosing a date that you are able to attend.

Step 2: Sign-up and attend NSO

在遗传算法, you will attend NSO.

注意: SAC NSO is available only to students whose home campus is SAC.




是的. NSO是所有FTIC学生和转学学生的强制性入学步骤,转学到SAC的学生少于7个学分.

  • 返回/以前的学生
  • 短暂的学生
  • 转移 更多的 than 7 credit hours that have transferred over to SAC.

虽然我们希望你能带一位客人,但NSO房间最多可以容纳50名学生. 然而, if there are extra seats once orientation begins, they are 更多的 than welcome to come in and have a seat!


除了你的热情和积极,建议你带上你的印刷的, 详细的 课程表. 在方向, 我们会检查你的课程表,并帮助你找出一些要点. You can find your 详细的 schedule in your ace.

"学生" tab > "学生 TOOLS" box > Click “CLASS SCHEDULE” > Choose your semester > 提交.

注意: Do not choose CE or COM semesters.

Can I just show up to NSO without signing-up?

No. Space is limited for each session. 不幸的是, 我们无法为未预约或未确认参加会议的学生提供住宿. Reservations are on a first-come, first reserved basis.

I may arrive late or need to leave my session early. Do I have to attend the entire session?

是的. 您需要准时到达并参加整个课程,以成功完成NSO要求. If you have prior commitments, please reschedule.

I did not receive my confirmation email for NSO. 我该联系谁??

详细信息的确认邮件将在考试前1-2天发送到您的ace学生邮箱. If not received, please contact:

Will I register for classes during NSO?

No. 完成注册步骤的学生必须参加GA会议以注册课程. NSO is the last step, once a student is actively enrolled in classes.


No. 不过,我们现场有咖啡厅/自助餐厅,只收信用卡(不收现金)。. We also have vending machines in our building. 我们也非常欢迎您携带自己的食物和饮料进入NSO房间.

If I need to cancel/reschedule NSO, what do I do?

There is no way to cancel your NSO. If you cannot make it and wish to reschedule, just go back into Alamo Experience and sign up for another NSO session.

How do I sign-up for online NSO?

You will sign up for online orientation the same way you would for in-person. 唯一的区别是NSO工作人员将筛选您的学生记录,并手动将您添加到Canvas的在线培训中. NSO工作人员将在1 - 2天内给您发电子邮件,说明如何在Canvas中访问在线定向.

Does online orientation have a certain start date?

No. Online orientation is continuously being offered. It will show the date as the first of the month, but it is active for the entire month that we are currently in. You can sign-up for it at any time.


What if I need interpreter services?

十大网赌正规网址官网的口译服务在教室和实验室为聋人或重听学生提供口译服务. The Interpreting Services manages, coordinates interpreting services and on-boarding services to new students.

For 更多的 information, please email

What if I need accommodations for my GA or NSO?

Please contact our disABILITY Support Services at 或致电(210)486 -0020.


欢迎您在我们的停车场或停车场的任何开放(合法)位置免费停车. A parking permit is not required. 查看您的确认邮件,以确定您的迎新活动将在哪里举行.


How do I print my 详细的 课程表?
  1. 登入ace
  2. 学生选项卡
  3. Find the section titled “Student Tools”
  4. 点击课程表
  5. Choose Term (Do not choose CE or COM terms)
  6. 提交
What if I failed my TSI Exam?

The TSI is not a pass/fail exam. 这是一个分班考试,决定你在大学水平的英语/数学课程的水平. If you feel you could raise your TSI score, you can find information here:


I have completed GA and NSO, but would like a campus tour. 我如何注册?

电子邮件 and provide the date you attended NSO, name and banner ID#.