Paid Internships

通过访问以下网站,查看每个带薪暑期实习机会,以确定您是否可以从这些类型的实习中受益. 如果你对申请这些机会感兴趣,尽早计划. 在申请截止日期前6到9个月开始收集信息和开发你的申请. 工作场所学习办公室提供讲习班,帮助学生准备有竞争力的申请. Go to Workshop Dates to register to attend the session(s) that interest you. 


Local and Regional Internships


The City of San Antonio Ambassador Internship Program is a summer internship program for currently enrolled college students. 通过带薪实习,实习生可以接触到专业机会和创新的职业道路, Peer-to-Peer networking sessions, and community service projects. Interns work at government entities, non-profit agencies, 和私人组织,以获得高需求职业的经验,以吸引圣安东尼奥的毕业生到当地社区就业. This program is limited to the city of San Antonio residents. Applications are due in March.


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The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department 为实习生提供在包括执法部门在内的各个部门获得实践经验的机会, Wildlife, Communications, State Parks, Infrastructure, Coastal Fisheries, Inland Fisheries, Human Resources, Information Technology, and Executive Office. TPWD重视不同背景的人之间的差异, perspectives, experiences, and cultures. 这个实习项目坚持这一价值观,并强调让妇女和少数民族获得自然和文化资源领域的职业机会和培训. Applications are due between October and March.


Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Internships

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HACU 提供一次申请的方式,申请多个公司或联邦机构的实习机会. HACU寻求最优秀和最聪明的人才来填补他们的实习机会,以培养下一代敬业的公务员和商业领袖. HACU为希望发展领导技能的大学生提供了许多其他机会. HACU在全国和华盛顿特区都提供实习机会. 学生不需要是西班牙裔就可以申请实习机会. Application is due in February.


Federal Government Pathways Internships

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The Federal Government Pathways 实习计划旨在为大学生提供在联邦机构工作的带薪机会,并在联邦政府中探索职业. 成功完成课程的学生可能有资格转换为公务员的长期工作. Internship positions from science research, IT, accounting, editing, and administrative support are available with the federal government. 这些职位在全国各地都有,可能需要搬迁, although occasionally positions are available in the San Antonio area. Applications are due between December and early March.


NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates

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The National Science Foundation, a federal government agency, 资助本科生通过其研究体验机会 Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) sites throughout the country.

一个REU网站由大约10名大学生组成,他们在主办REU项目的大学的研究项目中工作. Each student is associated with a specific research project, where they work closely with the faculty and other researchers. 学生可以获得津贴,在许多情况下,还可以获得住房和旅行方面的援助. 作为REU研究人员参加的学生必须是美国公民或永久居民或其属地. An REU site may be in the United States or abroad.

You can search the close to 700 REU sites, 并阅读他们所进行的研究类型的描述,以了解更多. Currently, there are no REU sites in San Antonio, although there are about 50 sites in the state of Texas. Application due between December and March.


Alamo Colleges CIMA

The Alamo Colleges CIMA Project, funded by the National Science Foundation, 旨在增加获得STEM学士学位的代表性不足的学生人数. 所有五所十大网赌正规网址官网都参加了CIMA项目,该项目提供同行和教师指导, tutoring, supplemental instruction, STEM student incubator, and paid undergraduate research opportunities during the fall, spring, and summer semesters. 有兴趣的学生可以访问他们所在学院的CIMA网页,了解申请圣安东尼奥付费研究机会的详细信息. Summer application is due in February.



在阅读了各种类型的实习并浏览了他们的网站之后, compare and contrast the internships using the table below.






City of SA Ambassadors

Texas Parks and Wildlife

Federal Government





City of San Antonio Administrative or at State Park Federal Agency Federal Agency or a National Corp University Campus


San Antonio Austin or anywhere in TX Anywhere in the US Anywhere in the US Anywhere in the US, or abroad


8-10 weeks 8-10 weeks 8-10 weeks 8-10 weeks 8-10 weeks


Gain work experience; Could lead to other internships or job offer Gain work experience; Could lead to other internships or job offer Could lead to a permanent position with the government Gain work experience; May lead to other internships or job offer Builds resume for university application; May lead to other research


2.5 2.5 2.0 3.0 2.0


Sophomore 18 Hours Any 24+ Hours Any
Majors Sought


All All All All STEM
Requires Moving


No Yes Most Likely Yes Yes
Relocation Paid


N/A Some housing at parks Not Likely Yes, Some Yes, Most


  •  Application
  •  Resume
  •  Essay
  •  Transcript
  •  Letter of Recommendation
  •  Proof of SA Residence
  • Resume
  • Cover Letter
  • Transcript
  • Enrollment Verification
  • Federal Resume
  • Cover Letter
  • Transcript
  • Enrollment Verification
  • Resume
  • Essay
  • Transcript
  • Enrollment Verification
  • References
  • Letter of Recommendation
  • Resume
  • Essay
  • Transcript
  • Letter(s) of Recommendation
Workshops Offered


January January August and
August and
August and


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